Alan & Victoria Campbell
Name: Alan & Victoria Campbell
Location: Bell Canyon, California
TCs owned:
1939 MGTB 0575 / XPAG 824, Green / Biscuit
Alan Writes:
Build date for our TB 0575 was October 11, 1939 just after Britain declared war on Germany. TB 0575 is a War MG!
Build date for TA 1282 was May 4, 1937. First registered on November 3, 1937 in Dumphries, Lincolnshire, England with registration BGB 540. Imported into the U.S. via New York in 1962. Has original engine and drive train. Restored to original specifications by Doug Pelton’s From the Frame Up and completed late 2020. First shown at The Quail Motorsports Gathering on August 13, 2021. 1937 MGTA 1282 / MPJG 1575, Red / Black SOLD 2024.