George & Lorna Murphy

George & Lorna Murphy

George & Lorna Murphy

Name: George & Lorna Murphy

Location: Waleska, Georgia

TCs owned:
1949 MGTC 7626 EXU / XPAG 8361, Green / Tan

TC was previously owned by ex-TCMG member Mike Castle

George writes:

We live in north Georgia near a small town called Waleska. We are both retired and I spend most of my free time restoring my 1949 TC. I have wanted a TC for many years but the price of a restored one was a bit much for us. I found a TC that was in sad shape about 7 months ago and bought it with the hope of getting it back on the road. The old car now has many new and restored parts but needs a few more months to get everything back together. I have not changed anything from original and replaced any non-original parts and corrected past owners blunders. The old TC is looking a lot better than when we found it. Just thought it would be good to join a group of people that has had the same experiences good and bad as caretakers for the older MGs.

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