2025 TCMG Council Announced
Please welcome the newly elected 2025 TC Motoring Guild Executive Council! Your new Executive Officers are John Bowyer, Joyce Edgar, Dean Caccavo, Doug Schirripa, Mike Simmons, Steve Simmons and Rob Zucca. Other club chairs are currently operating as they did throughout 2024, and may change in January. Thank you to everyone who gives their time to keep our club running smoothly!
Executive CouncilPresident – Steve Simmons |
Club Chairs (subject to change)Events – Steve Simmons |
2024 Award Winners
Our congratulations also go out to the winners of the various TCMG awards for 2024:
- Frank Mason Award – Steve Simmons
- Earl Sargent memorial Trophy – David & Joyce Edgar
- Breakdown Award – David & Joyce Edgar
To learn more about these awards, including the various ways the breakdown award has been won, see the History Section of the web site.
The Edgars Set A New Record
David and Joyce Edgar have won the Earl Sargent Memorial “Use it or Lose it” Trophy this year for a record-setting seventh time! The trophy was first awarded in 1991, and the Edgars achieved their first victory in 2003. Congratulations!
TC Motoring Guild Turns 70 Years Old
Although the group was loosely assembled back in 1952, TCMG was officially formed on June 19, 1954 in the offices of Road & Track magazine. Last June we celebrated 70 years of honoring the MG TC! Our annual Summer Picnic Meeting doubled as a birthday party commemorating our seventh decade as a one make, one model club. A large number of historical artifacts from our archives were on display in a special exhibit put together by Steve Simmons and Rob Zucca. See the August newsletter for photos of this meeting.
TC Provenance List Being Updated and Modernized by TCMG
The well known TC Provenance List was created by TC owner Bob Stein well over a decade ago. Steve Simmons has assisted with data submissions and updates for the past few years but the list has grown too large to manage by hand. TC Motoring Guild has jumped in to help update, modernize and maintain the list. Two of our members, Mike Simmons and Steve Simmons are currently working to convert years of hand typed notes into a sorted and organized database of TC car numbers, owner names, locations and historical data. The project will take a tremendous amount of man hours but the end result will be a fully modern and searchable database, hosted on the TCMG website. You can see the old hand-typed Provenance List HERE until the new version is completed.
Our next monthly meeting will be held on February 25th on Zoom. Steve Simmons will give a slide presentation on some of the unusual places their TC has gone, culminating with a particular trip into the Sierra Nevada Mountains of California. No paved roads will be a part of this story! Learn how to risk getting stranded in the wilderness, and how to set off on a trip completely unprepared and in a vehicle unsuited for the terrain. This and other important life lessons will be discussed.
January recap: 27 members attended our January meeting. 3 TCs were driven a simulated journey to the meeting by Edgar, Lemieux and Zucca. Thanks to Dan Shockey for his presentation on MG and the RAF!
For more meeting and event information, visit the Calendar Page.
Monthly Events
The Lame Duk Kup is scheduled for Sunday, January 48th (aka February 16th). Stay tuned for details…
October recap: Coming soon…
Monthly DIY Tours
The next DIY tour will start soon…
For more meeting and event information, visit the Calendar Page.
The January / February Classic Chassis is online and ready for viewing!
To view past newsletters, including one from way back in 1958, visit the Newsletter Page.
Welcome to our newest members!
- Tony Inzana of Hughson, California
- Gene & Jana Berghoff of Shorewood, Minnesota
- Frank & Meena Moses of Riverside, California
- Tony McCormick of Victoria, British Columbia
- Robert Costello of West Dundee, Illinois
- Russell Jones of Vancouver, Washington
December 14: Added new page for Russell Jones.
August 1: Added new page for Dennis & Jane Markwich.
August 1: Added new page for Rick & Linda Starkweather.
July 15: Added new page for Lars & Roxane Lynge.
May 3: Added new page for Bryan & Lynne Kemper.
April 28: Added new page for Rory & Cee Jay Kinney.
April 28: Added new page for Peter Finocchiaro.
As always we are seeking photos for the Members Gallery showing you and your TC. We also welcome member biographies so your fellow TCMG’ers can learn a bit about you, your history with your TC or anything else you care to write about. Historic photos and stories are also being sought to expand our TCMG History section on the site. Please send what you have to Steve Simmons.