Current TC Motoring Guild By-Laws
Article I
Name & Purpose
The name of this organization shall be TC Motoring Guild, (hereinafter called TCMG). Its purpose shall be to provide an association for MG TC owners and to promote the perpetuation of the MG TC.
Article II
Any MG TC owner, upon application and payment of appropriate fees, shall be issued one regular membership to TCMG. If requested, membership may also include an immediate family member, or partner in ownership and / or use of the applicant’s MG TC. Both persons shall be considered regular members, and collectively constitute one regular membership for voting and payment of dues.
2. Associate
Any TCMG regular member in good standing, no longer owning an MG TC, may be accepted as an associate member by vote as established in Article VI 3(b). Such membership is subject to Article III, DUES. Such membership shall have no voting rights.
3. Honorary
Any individual or group who, in the opinion of the Executive Council, has contributed to the furthering of the purpose and aims of TCMG, past or future, can, upon voting procedure established in Article VI 3(b), be elected an honorary member in good standing. Such membership shall extend for such period as may be set by the executive council. No more than five (5) such memberships may be maintained. Such membership shall have no voting rights.
4. Founder Life
A TCMG member in good standing who participated in the original founding of TC Motoring Guild and has contributed significantly its purposes and aims may, upon the nomination of the Executive Council and the approval of the regular membership, be elected Founder Life member. Such membership shall have full voting rights and shall be exempt from the payment of annual dues.
Article III
1. Dues in the amount set forth by the Executive Council, are to be paid annually by each membership. Such dues are due at the annual meeting. After the March meeting, names of delinquent memberships may be removed from the roster.
2. Initiation fees, in the amount set forth by the Executive Council, are to be paid upon membership application.
Article IV
Executive Council
1. Eligibility
All Regular members are eligible for office.
2. Executive Council and Officers
The Executive Council shall be the governing body of this organization and shall consist of six (6) Regular members elected as established in Article VI. Any permanent vacancy shall be filled by an election as established in Article VI 3(b). It will be the responsibility of the incoming Executive Council to meet at the December meeting of each year and select from among the members of the incoming Council a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer/Membership Chair; which offices shall be held for the full term of office. The remaining members of the Executive Council shall serve as members-at-large. In addition, the TCMG President of the preceding year shall serve as an ex-officio member-at-large of the Council and shall have voting rights as a member of the Council. This executive Council shall serve for one year from the date of election announcement at the annual meeting.
3. Absenteeism
Duly elected members of the Executive Council, absent three (3) consecutive Membership and/or Executive Council meetings may be released from office by a majority vote of the Executive Council. Any vacancy of office resulting from such action shall be filled by an election as established in Article VI 3(b).
4. Active Committees
During the first month of office, the Executive Council shall appoint chairs of the active committees for the following:
A. Program
B. Events
C. Editor
D. Regalia
E. Web Site
F. Other committees as designated by the Council
The Duties of these chairs shall be as designated by the Executive Council and such chairs shall be non-voting members of the Executive Council.
Article V
1. Membership Meetings
The meetings shall occur on a regularly stated evening each month. This date is subject to change upon approval, as established in Article VI 3(b). In the event this date falls on a holiday, the Executive Council shall have the authority to establish a date; the Executive Council must notify the membership of such change ten (10) days prior to such meeting. The meeting in December shall be known as the annual meeting.
2. Executive Council Meetings
The Executive Council shall meet as often as necessary as determined by the Council, but in no event less than once each quarter. A quorum of the Executive Council shall consist of four members.
Article VI
Elections and Voting Procedure
1. Nominations
The Executive Council for the coming year shall be nominated at the meeting of the regular membership in October. The incumbent Executive Council may, at its option, recommend one or more candidates for the incoming Executive Council.
2. Balloting Committee
A balloting committee consisting of one or more Regular members shall be appointed by the Executive Council at the regular membership meeting in October.
3. Voting Procedure
A. Elections
It shall be the responsibility of the Balloting Committee to distribute one ballot and other appropriate information to each Regular and Founder Life membership in good standing; to collect and count these ballots; to present the results of the election to the membership at the annual meeting in December.
B. Other
The voting procedure for the election of the Executive Council, Associate, Honorary or Founder Life Members or the adoption, amendment or repeal of these by-laws or the authorization of expenditures under Article VIII 2 shall be as follows:
A ten day written or electronic notice shall be given to Regular and Founder Life members at their latest known address, informing them of the proposed action to be taken at a duly constituted meeting. A two-thirds vote of those present at such meeting will be necessary for proposed motion to take effect. A quorum shall be 15% of the then enrolled Regular and Founder Life memberships. One vote per eligible membership shall be allowed.
Article VII
Rules of Conduct
Roberts Rules of Order, where not inconsistent with these by-laws and / or directive from TCMG, shall govern the meetings of this club at all times.
Article VIII
Disbursement of Club Treasury
1. Prior to the Annual Meeting, the Treasurer shall prepare a proposed budget for the coming year, setting forth estimated expenditures. This budget shall be ratified, or adjusted, if necessary by the incoming Executive Council in their January council meeting and presented to the Regular and Founder Life Members at the January regular meeting, but not later than the February regular meeting.
2. Non-Budgeted Items
Non-budgeted items expenditures shall be limited to $500.00 per Executive Council member or committee chair: Any proposed expenditures exceeding that amount shall be approved by a vote as established in Article VI 3(b).
3. Review
At each regularly scheduled membership meeting a review of the budget and expenditures shall be made by the Treasurer. Adjustments, to the budget as necessary, shall be made by the Executive Council.
4. Carry-Over
The budget set forth by the Executive Council shall, when possible include a minimum sum of $500.00 for start-up of the coming year’s activities.
Article IX
Conduct of Events
The Executive Council of TC Motoring Guild shall take all necessary steps to assure that the Club is expressly excluded from any responsibility for the organization and conduct of meetings, competitions or events sponsored by TC Motoring Guild, and that there will be no liability whatsoever attaching directly or indirectly therefrom by way of accident or otherwise, either to members thereof, competitors, spectators or other persons in attendance at such meetings, competitions or events.
Incorporated: June 22, 1955
Revised: September 29, 1973
Revised: 1978
Revised: February 11, 1985
Revised: December 1998
Restated December 14, 2002
Revised: June 28, 2017