For Sale and Wanted Advertisements


Items FOR SALE or WANTED may be listed on this page.  Listings are free for TCMG members and can be anything you have which may be of interest to MG enthusiasts.  Non-members please inquire about advertising prices.

Please let us know when your item is found or sold.  Items will be removed from the website after 6 months of the posting date.  Ads will be renewed if requested.

To post an ad, contact the webmaster (Steve Simmons).  Click the “Contact Us” tab at the top of your screen.

TC Parts For Sale

Contact Steve Simmons for info or purchase.  See club directory for phone number or send an email through the contact page on this web site (send to “Webmaster” and it will reach me).  Sandblasting services are available on most items, inquire for details.

NOT ALL PARTS ARE PHOTOGRAPHED. See the list below.  Also more parts are available that are not yet listed.  Inquire with your needs.

Rear D-Lamp
Original Lucas D-Lamp in poor condition. No lens.  See photos. $10 obo.

D-Lamp Lenses
ST-51 single lamp lenses.  These are solid red to fit single lamp housing, not split housing.  Original Lucas lenses with very heavy glass in good original but used condition. $15 each.

XPAG Cylinder Head
Head is stock thickness (3.022″).  168422 casting, round hole with 3/4″ reach spark plugs.  Has some cracks around the valve seat which I have been told are repairable.  Bare head, no valves or rockers. $50

Deep Hellings air filters
These are period originals.  The shells are a bit weathered but there is a second set of nice original shells included with the original and rare (and very cool) Hellings Co. of North Hollywood sticker.  Make offer.

Pre-War Headlamp Reducer Rings
Set of reducer rings for 9″ headlamps as found on pre-war cars, to adapt 7″ headlamp lenses.  Good for putting sealed beam lamps on an early car.  Very nice condition.  $20.

TC Clutch Assemblies
Several TC clutch assemblies plus one extra pressure plate. Some look new, some look used, all are a bit dusty.  Price is $50 per assembly.  Extra pressure plate is $25.  Or corner the market on TC clutches and take them all at a quantity discount!

TC Steering Box
This is the box and shaft housing only.  You add your own internal parts.  $100

Connecting Rod
Single rod, no cap. 439 grams. $20

MG TA Engine and Gearbox
Complete MPJG engine and gearbox that went through a house fire.  Contact me for more info.

TC / TD / TF XPAG Piston Sets
One set of +60 Jahns (JE) pistons. $50/set
One set of very nice used Covmo +40 pistons. $50/set
One set of Standard bore original MOWOG pistons. $25

Used Random XPAG Pistons
Various. See photos and make an offer.  Free is not an unreasonable offer.  More available but not pictured.

License Plate Mount
Front plate mount, vintage accessory by Hills.  $10 (other plate in photo is sold)

Radiator Caps
New. The threads seem to be a bit oversized. Good for display, trophy, etc? $10 each

TC Thermostat Housings
Will also fit TD and TF.  One has been plugged to run without a thermostat installed, but the plug can be removed. $15 each

Wood-Handled Hammers
New old stock 1 lb copper hammer (SOLD)
Vintage/ used 3 lb copper hammer $20
Old 1 lb lead hammer $15
Plastic and rubber hammers, no offer too low.

Cylinder Head Cooling Flanges
Custom water flanges, possibly for supercharging application, heater take-off, etc.  No unreasonable offer refused. (not a typo)

7″ Headlamp Buckets
Original Lucas King of the Road buckets with medallions.  As found on TC/EXU and MG TD.  Decent chrome for a driver but needs a good polish. Includes mounting sockets. $100/pair

Brake Lining Set
Full set to do all four wheels.  Includes brass rivets as original. Mintex brand. $75

Cylinder head valves and springs
Boxes of used valves and springs, all appear serviceable. $40 for everything pictured.

Late Oil Pump
Oil pump assembly with filter canister and gears as found on later XPAG/XPEG engines. Original for TD/TF but can be fit to TC also. $275

MG TD/TF-Specific Parts
Original MG TD valve cover with cap, chain and clearance plate. Straight, clean and in good overall condition. $40
NEW wiper arm in Moss packaging (will also fit TC).  $5 (Moss price $23)
Complete MG TD windscreen wiper arm assembly. All three arms and linkage are present. Chrome decent. Good for driver or to restore for show. $40
TD Tonneau bar, mounts to back of seat. $40
TF Tonneau bars, chrome, brand new. Photos available upon request.
Box of new oil filters – Six Cooper and Crossland brand oil filters to fit TD/TF and many other cars (see photo for list).  $40 for all six.

MG Midget Parts (photos available upon request)
Exhaust manifold $10
Engine back plate $5
2 Starters – One is dusty but has a rebuild sticker on it and looks fresh, the other is opened up so condition is unknown,  $20 for both

Misc Parts, inquire for details if interested in anything:
Wood knockoff tool – Fits most British car knockoffs including all MGs.  Used only once.  $10
Steel knockoff tool – Fits most British car knockoffs including all MGs. $20.
Brake master cylinder – application unknown. Similar to TC
Original Lockheed brake system rubber, in original yellow boxes.  Hoses, rebuild kits, etc.  Make offer.
Octagonal knock-off wrench – Original factory tool as supplied with MGB and others. $5
Lots of various SU fuel pump small parts
Crank handle – shorter than TC, nickle-plated handle. No idea what it fits. $10
Y-Type intake manifold, for YA or YB, $45
MGA front shocks, $20 obo
Lucas 5-post control box, spade-type. Lid has damage along bottom of one side. Internals look good. $10
Brake shoes, not sure of the application but they are British.  Maybe Morris or MGA?
Set of good used MGB rear brake shoes – Free
Used MGB brake drums – Free

Ad last updated 6.2022


We’re looking for this old TCMG badge for a history project I’m working on for the club. If you have one that you would like to donate or sell, please contact Steve Simmons. Click here, scroll down to the contact form and select “Regalia” to send us a message.

Notice the long ‘L’ in the word Guild.
Click to enlarge

Ad last updated 2.2022

WANTED: TC Frame Parts

Looking for the front end of a wrecked TC frame. Condition unimportant. Need from axle mounts forward.

Please contact Steve Simmons. Click here, scroll down to the contact form and select “Events” to send me a message, or see club directory for phone number.

Ad last updated 2.2022

WANTED: 1947-1950 California License Plates

Seeking period-appropriate California license plates for my TC. 1947-1950 style. Orange with black writing and “47” in upper corner, with or without the metal year tag that goes over the 47.

Please contact Steve Simmons. Click here, scroll down to the contact form and select “Events” to send me a message, or see club directory for phone number.

Ad last updated 7.2021


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