Joe McCammon & Joani Walsh

Name: Joe McCammon & Joani Walsh

Location: Wilmington, Delaware

TCs owned:
1948 TC 6422 / XPAG 7086, Dark Blue / Beige
1948 TC 5856 / XPAG 6585, Green / Red

TC 6422 previously owned by TCMG members Leo and Martha Pedersen from May 1977 through 2022. Purchased by Pedersen in boxes and bags from four different locations. Reassembled just in time for GOF West ’90. 

TC 5856 previously owned by TCMG member Ed Pohle. Raced throughout the early 1950’s. Repainted grey (was previously green with red interior) after an on-track front end collision in either 1954 or 1964. Purchased by Edwin Pohle in California in November 1965 (although he later said it may have been 1963). Won 1st in Class at Pebble Beach in 1966 & 1967. Restored again in 2007. In 2016 after the car’s trailer was stolen with the car inside. The thieves rolled the car into a ditch somewhere down the road and kept the trailer. The car was repainted again to repair the damaged finish. Ed joined TCMG in 2000 thru his death in December 2022.

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